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More: https://popsyqueen.com/returns-refunds
M***o –
They are more like winter pants
K***i –
Такие мягкие!!!!
T***a –
Fire pants. I order a second time, but for the first time I ordered from another store. About 93
7***r –
Брюки как на фото продавца . Понравились
К***а –
Nice pants. I wanted to sit more freely, in the end I could safely order a smaller size. I will fit my parameters. Material and quality are very pleased. Height 163, RR Xs, 80-64-89
N***a –
Super pants) warm, stretch. On the height of 173 to the ankle.
E***a –
Cool color and dense material. The seams are even and without threads! cool trousers
A***a –
They are slightly shorter than in the description and on the right leg, in front of the very badly stitched line it is very eye-catching…
P***a –
Cool pants. Already the second ordered, I really like the style and fabric. Upset little jambs on tailoring. Size on the hips 90 is excellent, chose on the grid of the store. The quality of the fabric is good, the smell is not.
C***v –
Very nice workmanship. Good stitching. Thicken material that hang nicely. Good quality. Highly recommended.
M***a –
Очень классные. Подойдут для холодного время года. На 42-44 взяла М. Подошли идеально)
E***a –
I bought on positive reviews, I join!!!
T***t –
Quality performance, the material also liked, happy with the purchase, I’m sure, will be loved
S***v –
Pants on the level! Beautiful fabric, sewing! Recommend!